
No AC means me not happy!

Despite what the heading of this post says, I am happy in general - just physically very uncomfortable right now. Last winter, our office was added on to and we were moved into the new part. Our landlord decided to see if he could get away with not putting in another blower or AC unit for the addition. Well, that didn't fly very well. We FINALLY got a new blower and AC unit last week and it was blessedly cool here in here last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Wonderful! But today, our new unit has taken a nose dive. It is HOT in here!!! And our landlord is trying to tell us it's not broken and it's cool enough!

Have I mentioned how incredibly awesome it is to have Chris here all the time??? I LOVE it! It's just so great being able to see him every day. He is loving his new job too which makes everything even better. We've had a lot of fun lately just spending time together. We are trying to get in the habit of walking at least a mile each day and so far, so good. On Saturday we headed down to Council Bluffs for a late lunch and to return some things to the mall. We ended up finding the router and computer stuff that Chris was needing. We found a little store that had everything marked off 50% due to a moving sale and we found an adorable, super soft little lamb for our soon-to-be-born new nephew, Marshall. We also found little Beanie Baby bride and groom bears that we plan on using for the wedding. I read an idea that instead of having the children participate in the bouquet and garter toss you toss a little bride and groom stuffed animal and these Beanie Babies will work great! We also wandered over to Target and registered for some things. It's been really hard for us to decide what to register for as we basically have everything we need for our home. So we registered for a lot of fun stuff and a few functional things. I definitely wanted to register for towels - can never have enough of them! We actually had a lot of fun winding through the store. And I didn't say "no" too often to Chris' requests. I think we're still trying to decide if we want to register at Home Depot or just hope for gift cards from there. We really just want our friends and family to come enjoy themselves at the wedding but we're already being asked what we want and we're not allowed to say nothing. We have such awesome friends and family!

We spent Saturday evening having dinner and watching movies with my friend Cherie. I finally saw Pirates of the Carribbean and loved it! On Sunday we headed to church and Sunday school and then back to Cherie's to work on my computer. (Chris is actually renting out Cherie's basement until he can move in with me when we get married.) Chris worked on it while Cherie and Dan worked on planting trees and I made Sunday dinner. We all sat down to and ate together and relaxed. Chris and I went for our walk and came back to relax. He watched a movie while I took a little nap and then we headed to small group at Arlin and Nancy's. We're discussing 1 Timothy right now and we're all struggling with the way our leadership board is set up at church - definitely not Biblically based - and we're trying to figure out what to do. We've also spent a lot of time talking about women's roles in leadership in the church and how we all feel about them. I've always advocated women's rights and equality but when it comes to church issues and my future marriage, I have to say I am incredibly conservative. I am so thankful for a strong Christian future husband in Christopher. He continues to amaze me with his depth and insight and love for God. I am so blessed!

I pray you are all having a great week!

1 comment:

Tamara B said...

Gifts - register for what you want otherwise people will get you crap they think you need. We wanted to do the home depot thing too. We ended up registering for things like camping stuff.