

As I sit here starting to type, I cannot describe to you the feeling of comfort running through me. I am home and I am so very happy to be home.

It is strange to me to have been so homesick. I have always been a bit of a homebody but I am usually able to be away from home for at least a week before feeling like I need to get home ASAP. But this time was very different.

Hubs drove me to the airport early Thursday morning and waited with me in the crazy-long line, walked me to security, kissed me goodbye and left so he'd get to work on time. I was fine on my flights and was super excited to see Amy. The first several hours were great. I think it was sometime later that evening that I realized that I was missing Hubs something horrible. And it only got worse. By Saturday I was almost desperate to get home. I was having fun with Amy, but I am struggling with some aspects of our relationship and was feeling a little out of place. And I just plain missed Hubs.

It does give me comfort to know that I missed him. How horrible would it be to be gone and NOT miss your husband? But I did miss him, so much that when my plane was late and I had pretty much missed my connecting flight, I burst into tears at the gate! Gah! Yep, I actually did that! My flight landed at 7:22 and my connecting flight was to take off at 7:24! I literally ran through the Detroit airport - and I didn't even get to enjoy the tunnel that I love so much. Kept going and made it to my gate around 7:30 - to find 3 people there. After inquiring, I found out that the flight had already boarded and there was no gate agent there. I headed across the hall to the other gate that had an agent and a guy from my original flight started talking to me - and I started sobbing. Poor guy! All I knew was that I did not want to spend the night on the floor of the Detroit airport and my flight was gone. But God was so watching over me. I glanced back at my gate and the agent had reappeard. After telling her that I was supposed to be on the Omaha flight, she asked my name - and said according to the passenger list I was already on board. What? Don't ask me how that happened! But again, God had a plan for me - the flight attendant had miscounted due to the fact that there was a maintenance guy on the plane that she had counted accidentally. They had already pulled back the bridge - but after the supervisor came over, they decided that they'd use the maintenance guy as an excuse and took me down, moved the bridget back and got me on the plane! Thank you, Jesus! Just a couple hours later and I was in my baby's arms!

Amy had mentioned a couple of times during the trip that maybe I should just bring Hubs with me from now on. I kind of think that may be happening. It will definitely be happening on our next trip to Philly since we'll be going for the wedding.

I know it's good to get away from each other now and then, but is it strange that a few days seems too much for me? I don't see Hubs all day when we're working, rarely on certain weeknights due to various committments, etc, so is it bad that I really want to spend time with him when I can? Do any of you feel this way?

Hope you're week is off to a great start!

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