
Time to Change Things Up

Right now, I am sitting on the couch with Hubs while he watches Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers for the eleventy-hundreth time. Not that I mind - I got to see my favorite scene. I get chills every time I see the elves march up to Helm's Deep - there is something about the solidarity, the hope in that moment that I just love. Now he just flipped to David Blaine doing some street magic. He loves to flip!

I have so many things I want to blog about, a huge list of ideas and hopes and hurts, but when I am not sure who is reading my blog, I don't know how honest I can be. Which honestly just stinks. Because this is my blog. And I started it to talk about my life and my thoughts. And now I'm censoring my thoughts because of who might be reading. Augh!

Some of the things I want to blog about are happy things, some sad, others troublesome, and even other things I'd like advice on. But I feel very censored on here. So I am in the midst of developing a new blog, somewhere where I can share my thoughts and feelings and joys and hurts without certain people getting ahold of them. If you're out there and still reading, and would like to know about the new site (when it's ready), drop me an e-mail or comment here and I'll get you the new info.

Thanks for reading thus far.


J-D-K-G said...

I'd like the updated blog! Keep me posted! We are continuing work on the house. We were both home today and scraped and scraped and got many things prepared for painting. If the rain holds off tonight, we'll begin tomorrow. Time will tell!

Tamara B said...

dangit, I hope I'm not the reason you censor!!!

Unknown said...

I want the new blog!

Anonymous said...

I read but forgot to leave a comment! Sorry about that!

GLouise said...

I want the new blog! ;-) Since I am a relative stranger you won't have to self-censor! That is why blog is anonymous...which is sooo nice!!!

BillyWarhol said...

love David Blaine*


seen at www.WeFeelFine.org

Lisa said...

Let me know too! Thanks :)

Choppzs said...

Thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean about having to change your blog. I just did that a while back because people that I didn't want reading it kept getting ahold of it. That was mostly because of Hubs showing it to people at his work though! lol Dumbass!! lol

Jody said...

Renae- I need the new blog and contact info! I am sure I had it once but I don't know what happened to it!