
To begin with...

So if you're here reading this, I would think it safe to say you're interested in my life. This will give you a glimpse of it.

To say that the last few months have been chaotic would be a massive understatement. Since the beginning of April, I have traveled from my home in rural Iowa to San Antonio, Chicago, Sacramento and Philadelphia to name just a few of the places. My suitcases have rarely been unpacked but it's all been good.

I just returned last week from a spontaneous trip to Philadelphia. My best friend, Amy, flew me out to see her for my 30th birthday. What an awesome gift...and an awesome trip! Seeing Amy, and another best friend Victoria, on my birthday was wonderful. Just getting to spend time with both of them was exactly what I needed.

Now I'm home again and have been busy getting ready to finish up my MA this fall. Let's see, I have a thesis to finish and defend, oral and written comprehenisves to study for and take and a foreign language to learn - all by December. No problem. Talk to me in December.

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