
A Quick Rant - And a Praise!

Just a little update

First off, I have to say I LOVE short weeks at work! I so don't mind working and I really do love my job, but it sure is nice to have a super-short week! 4-day weekend followed by a 3-day workweek - oh happy me!

Chris and I have had a great week. He has been superbusy at work, as have I, so when we get home it's all about relaxing and together time. We have a little nightly game of bocce ball and it's fun to just get out there and play and tease each other and watch the crazy cats try and steal the balls. Hello Kitty - get out of the way! Last night he kicked my tukus! At one point I was down 17-3. I rallied back and only lost 21-10, I think.

Tonight we get to hang out with our friends Josh and Renee. We are bringing dinner with us and will eat and play games at their house. We are so looking forward to it. We've all be swamped the past few months and haven't really had any time to spend with them. So tonight we get to catch up and have fun.

Now to go back to the title of the post.

The Rant
So this morning I'm calmly driving to work - doo duh dooo. Just driving along. Then I reach a corner where another county road intersects the county road I'm on. And a mini-van decides they must pull out in front of me. No problem. I slow down - WAY down. Because they are not driving my speed (about 7-10 over - it's a county road!) but they're only about 2-3 over the limit. Now I can respect that someone, especially with children in the vehicle, wouldn't want to speed. So I slow down. So we get to the edge of town where one of the town's big daycare places is. And the mini-van flips on its turn signal - and flicks a cigarette butt out the window! GRRRRR! I so don't care if I offend anyone with this - if you are a smoker and smoke in the presence of your children - BITE ME! I would like to ring the neck of Little Miss-I-won't-speed-but-I'll-expose-my-little-darlings-to-noxious-gases-and-fumes! Grr. Grr. Grr. I know - there is nothing I can do about it. But I can rant about it on my own blog!

The Praise
I have got some of the best co-workers! Tomorrow is my birthday and when I got in the office today, they had up a big banner (we do this for everyone) over my desk. They have kind of forgotten the past 2 years so it was awesome that they remembered this year! Plus, Marolyn (she made our wedding cake so you know she's a great baker!) brought me a whole container of chocolate waffle cookies with a note that these are for Chris and I! Yeah! And then she baked me a fruit pizza and wrote Happy Birthday Renae on it for all of us to share. And then I got told that they're taking me out for lunch! Yeah! They make me feel so special.

And tomorrow, Chris is going to help one of the guys with a project during the day so I will have some downtime. I'm planning a quick workout followed by a relaxing bath and catching up on a new book I'm reading. I'd also like to get caught up on some of the housework while Chris is gone. In the evening, we're planning on heading over to Omaha and one of the funplex type places with go-karts and mini-golf. We both thought that sounded like fun.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful birthday, Renae! It is so fun to read your posts and hear how happily married you are. Dido for me! Anyway, enjoy your special day!

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Renae! I hope you have a good day. I can't wait to see you next week. Love, Ryan

GLouise said...

Happy Birthday!!!

the chocolate waffle cookies sound divine!

Jewl said...

Hope you had a nice Birthday.