

ABC's from Rachel

A is for age:

B is for booze of choice:
Kaluha & Milk over ice

C is for career:
Soil Conservationist with USDA NRCS

D is for your dog's name:
No dog – no indoor pets due to allergies

E is for essential items you use/love everyday:
Current favorite CDs, water, hair clip, lip balm, Werther’s original chewy

F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:
“While You Were Sleeping” – Casting Crowns & “Dance, Dance” – Fallout Boy

G is for favorite games:
Settlers of Catan, Crazy 8s, Yatzee (with Chris), Liverpool Rummy

H is for hometown:
Sioux City, Iowa

I is for instruments you play:
None, would love to play piano or guitar

J is for jam or jelly you like:
Grape jelly, strawberry jam

K is for kids:
None yet

L is for last kiss:
Christopher, this morning

M is for most admired trait:
Being able to befriend anyone

N is for name of your crush:

O is for overnight hospital stays:
When I was sick as a baby, with Chris when he was sick in January

P is for phobias:
Spiders (esp after my infected bite this summer)

Q is for quotes you like:
“Always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then, you destroy yourself. And so we leave, with high hopes, in good spirit and with deep humility and with very much gratefulness in our hearts.” Richard M. Nixon, upon resigning the Presidency

R is for biggest regret:
wanting others to like me, need the approval and acceptance of others – really working on this.

S is for sweets of your choice:
Chocolate chip cookies – trumps almost anything else.

T is for time you wake up:
6:00 am

U is for underwear:
Hipsters, fun and cute

V is for vegetables you love:
Green beans, corn on the cob

W is for worst habit:
Habitually being late.

X is for x-rays you've had:
Ankles, wrists, elbows, knees, ribs, skull – have I mentioned that I am a major klutz!?

Y is for yummy food you make:
Rosemary chicken, lasagna, Grandma Ford’s peanut butter frosting, spinach rosemary roll-ups, Lust cups (Remember these, Deed? Haven’t made them in ages!)

Z is for zodiac sign:

Now you know my ABCs... Won't you play along with me!Do it on your blog and then leave me a comment that you did it.


Lisa said...

Spiders - what is up with those things this year? They've been awful here!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember the lust cups!! Yum! I never got that recipe. Thank you for the birthday card, Renae! I was traveling back from Michigan as we had a wedding to attend out there.