

To those of you who do stop and read, I am sorry. I just can't do it right now. There is nothing huge and overwhelming going on right now. But there are some smaller things, smaller things that sometimes feel big and overwhelming. But God is good, ALL the time. And so is my husband. Thank God for my amazing husband. That boy can handle my ever-changing moods like there's nothing to it.

I will write again sometime soon. First I have to finish my thesis. And then I have to work through this other stuff. Honestly, I don't even know what all it is yet. I just know I have to deal with it. Chris and I will be making some decisions and they're going to be tough decisions to make and follow through with. But again, God is good, ALL the time.

Take care, my friends.


Lisa said...

:( I'm sorry! I swear, it is in the air, because so many people close to me are going through things in their lives too. Things that are affecting their daily routines. Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that things are difficult for you right now ;-( We've all been through bad things (big and small). I look forward to reading your blog when you start posting again. Until then I hope that you come back soon!

Jewl said...

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling up to blogging! Hope things settle down for you soon and you feel like yourself again....

Me said...

Hope you're feeling better soon and things settle down.

GLouise said...

Just checking in on you.... Thinking of you and hoping for good things.