
Double Oops!

Ok, so if I was bad about not posting before, now I'm terrible! But alas, I have found my way back to my blog! YEAH!

So if there's anyone out there who actually reads this, you may have thought that I'd fallen off the face of the earth. And while that is definitely not true, I have kind of fallen in a way. :) Back in November I met Chris, an amazing, wonderful, funny, kind man. After a bit of a whirlwind, albeit long distance, courtship, Chris proposed on February 11th and I (of course!) said yes!

So the last month has been a jumble of traveling, lots of overtime at work, studying for Spanish - and trying to plan a wedding! I had no idea that you could get so overwhelmed with wedding planning! Chris and I have decided that we want to keep it simple but fun. The wedding will in Harlan with the reception following at the Irwin Community Center. Oh, yeah, and the date is set for Friday, November 25th, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.

More good news is that soon things will no longer be long distance! Chris graduates from Central Michigan University (www.cmich.edu) on May 7th and will be moving down here that week. YEAH!!!! Can we say Happy Fiance'?!

Check out the ticker at the top of my blog that counts down the days until our wedding. Very fun!

Hope you are all doing well, my friends! I may not be in touch as often as you or I would like, but you are all on my heart!

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