
Nothing like a little excitement...

So at work I've been spending a ton of time writing my big grant. And I really didn't think it was going great. But on Friday, I sent what I had done off to one of the reviewers. He gave me a call in the afternoon and told me the grant looked FANTASTIC!!! YEAH! I was so excited! And that took a major load off too knowing that I've been doing a good job. I also had a great chat with my boss about some things and left work feeling better than I have in months about work stuff.

After picking up a few videos and a bridal magazine at the library, I headed home to spend what I thought was going to be a relaxing weekend. I spent most of Friday evening sorting through paperwork and getting my office all cleaned up. I was feeling pretty productive by the time I headed to bed!

Got up Saturday and started in on the cleaning again. Headed to town around noon to run a few errands and then headed down the road to the Lucas' door. Melanie and I spent some time visiting and talking about wedding details and church things. Mel showed me her pie for the pie auction which reminded me I had two pans of brownies I needed to get baked for the spaghetti feed which would happen prior to the pie auction on Sunday. So I headed back to town, grabbed groceries and went home. I spent the rest of the day baking brownies, doing laundry and cleaning up more of my house.

Chris called before he headed out with friends and we got to talk for a bit. I have to say, he is a great conversationalist on the phone. And I love to get to hear his voice so often. So he arrived at his destination and said he'd talk to me tomorrow unless I wanted him to call at 2:00 in the morning. For some reason I told him to go ahead and call at 2:00 on his way home.

I headed to bed around midnight and was enjoying a nice slumber. I had left a few windows open to let in the fresh air. Chris called around 1:30 to let me know he was almost back to his parent's house. We talked for a few minutes and hung up. And then all the excitement started!

After hanging up the phone, I thought I heard footsteps and weird creaking in my dining room. Thinking it was just the wind, I snuggled back into bed and closed my eyes. About a second later I heard the sound of a drawer being opened in my kitchen! And I knew that wasn't the wind! I grabbed the phone and called Chris back.

OK, just for your information - if you think someone is in your house, do not call your fiance' and assume that he is going to understand a cryptic phone call! I tried to get Chris to understand what was going on without saying it, considering my bedroom door was wide open and I didn't want this intruder to know that I knew he was in the house. After about 20 seconds of trying to get Chris to understand, our connection was severed. And I, finally thinking straight, dialled 911 as I jumped out of bed and shut and locked my bedroom door. The female dispatcher was AWESOME! She had a deputy on the way to my house in just seconds. She (you know, I never did catch her name!) kept me talking and semi-calm as the deputy drove like mad to get to my house. The deputy finally got to my place and came on in (silly me forgot to lock the front door when I came in with groceries earlier in the day!) and did a sweep of the house. I was beginning to think it has all just been my imagination but he sure thought someone had been in there too. The sheriff arrived a few minutes later and both of them continued to search the house and then one headed outside to take another look around. They never found anyone, but knowing I was not going to sleep (at least not in my house) the rest of the night, they did a quick sweep of the house with me and then let me go change and pack a bag. Just before we left the house, the deputy asked me about an inside door that was standing wide open - one I always keep shut. So they are sure that someone was in my house with me but whoever it was left without getting caught. I called my friends Edie and Ken and headed to their house for the rest of the night.

I'm not a total scaredy cat but I think it's going to be a few days before I can sleep in my house alone. The sheriff's office (and most of the rest of us) thinks it was some guy who was drunk or disoriented and just wandered into the wrong house. I really feel like whoever it was that they did not intend me any harm. I will definitely be double checking to make sure my doors are locked from now on! I sincerely hope that none of you has to go through such a terrifying experience.

At this moment I am so thankful for quite a few things!

I am thankful for a great dispatcher who kept me calm and did a great job!
I am thankful for a great law enforcement agency who answered quickly and didn't try to make light of my fears.
I am thankful for friends I can call at 3:00 in the morning.
I am thankful for all those who keep me in their prayers.
I am thankful for a supportive fiance' who loves me and wants to keep me safe.
And I am so very thankful for the protecting arms of my Father, holding me safely in the palm of his hand.

I thank God for all of you! Have a great week!


Tamara B said...

HOLY COW!!!!!!! I thought I always had the never ending dramas but girl, you win the prize this time for sure! I was home alone this weekend too which can freak me out but it didn't. More on that later - if I get a chance to blog at lunch

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

I could sure do without some of this drama! But everything turned out OK, praise the Lord!