
Barbecue, Babies and Other Fun

I picked up Noah on Friday afternoon and he and I headed home to meet Chris. Noah was so excited to see Chris. He is on a big daddy kick right now and he tends to like all men and Chris is his buddy. So the two of them spent some time playing while I got our gear ready to go. We loaded up and headed to our friend Cherie’s house for the evening. We had a great evening, cooking out, eating and relaxing with Cherie and her sister Vickie, and our other friends Kathi and Tony and their 3 young ones. Kathi and Tony have 3 year old Cameron and year old twins Trevor and Jennika. So there were lots of babies – all playing and crawling and walking all over. The little ones finally decided they’d had enough excitement for the evening and we all headed home. We got home and put Noah straight to bed – only 2 hours later than his normal bedtime! He was a tired little guy and slept most of the night through. He had a few little bad dreams but was mainly able to get himself back to sleep. And wonder of wonders, he even slept in! Sharon, Noah’s mom, called at about 7:45 and we completely missed the call. She called again about 45 minutes later and Chris made it to the phone – but Noah was still asleep. Sharon said he never sleeps that late! We finally all were up by 8:45. Chris and I were trying to teach Noah was Saturday mornings should be all about – relaxing and family time. We had hoped to spend the whole day outside but we got a surprise rainstorm in the morning so we spent some time reading and playing and relaxing before the sun finally came out. The three of us took a walk in the park and did some running around in the afternoon. Noah didn’t get a nap in so by 6:30 he was a little bit cranky. After a good dinner and a bath, he went right to sleep. On Sunday we learned that if we want to get to church on time – and with a toddler – then we definitely need to get up earlier! We still made it but were just a little late. Noah was a doll during church. We met Brian and Sharon at Pizza Ranch and lunch with them and our friends June and Mike and their kids Griffin and Jessalyn. Brian and Sharon were so happy to see Noah again. And we were happy that we survived and Noah was still in one piece with not a scratch on him! He is such an easy little guy to take care of! We are fully aware that our own children might not be so easy but it was still fun to take care of him, and fun to think about the future.

Noah and Chris on the slide at the park

Chris and I got home and promptly took a nap! We spent some good quiet time together in the afternoon before Chris headed to small group. I was dealing with some tummy troubles so I stayed home and crashed. When we got home we watched a little TV and talked. I love just getting to relax with Chris. We did the same thing on Monday night after we got all of our stuff done – just sat on the couch and cuddled and talked and then goofed around.

We’re getting excited about our trip to Michigan. We’ll have a lot of work to do while we’re there but we’ll also have some downtime to spend with family and friends. Should be a great trip.

Hope this finds you all well!

PS – Please send up some prayers for my friend, Victoria. Vik’s dad has been fighting cancer for a couple of years and earlier this year, the doctors said there was nothing else they could do. Her dad is now in hospice care (in his home) and Vik’s brother Eddie moved home to care for their dad. Victoria just finished up her first year of PA (physician’s assistant) school and has her first rotation in Seattle, where her dad lives. She in on her way there now (actually sitting in the Detroit airport as I type this). Please pray for strength for her and her brothers, Eddie and Curtis and for her dad to come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior before he passes from this earth. Thanks. Love, Renae

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