
Still Tripping After Shooting Up

Ok, yeah, that title could have some of my friends ready to hold an intervention for me. And if said intervention meant I could sleep for long uninterupted periods of time, I might just sign up!

But seriously, I had another round of allergy shots this afternoon. And they are finally reacting in a big, bad way. I had to have my serums remixed and like a good little patient, I have been getting them twice a week. Last week, due to contracting my hubby's wonder bug, I had to skip a set of shots. So in I traipse today, and lo and behold, I get the nasty reaction today. My head is throbbing and I am having massive hot flashes in my cheeks and upper arms where I get the shot along with a little bit of breathing trouble. Not enough to call the doc or head to the ER, but enough to keep Chris and I from enjoying the great outdoors this evening. Could be from still not feeling 100% or it could just be the increased dosage. Whatever it is, I don't appreciate it. I sincerely pray that my children don't have to deal with allergies like I do.

On a good note, we found out who are new boss is going to be. And we're pretty excited about her. She starts in June but according to the personnel office, our other interim guy had exhausted his official 120 days, so I am now acting DC for the next month. It's really not that hard, but I am amazed at the increased stress I am feeling. I think the stress is definitely adding to my headache. Tomorrow is an out of town meeting that I've already been assured will add to my stress. But Wednesday should be fun. We have our annual Conservation Day for all of the 6th graders in the county out at one of the state parks. I am really looking forward to it right now - a day out of the office, away from phones and farmers and other people.

As I mentioned above, despite my fondness for Lysol I still managed to contract Chris' bug and feel wretchedly ill most of Friday and Saturday. Sunday I felt well enough to head to church, spend some wonderful time relaxing with my husband and then we went to small group. My wonderful husband and I got to spend some time snuggling and relaxing - a great ending to a very good weekend.

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