
A little bit of fresh air

So terracing was fun! Seriously. I really enjoy getting out when the weather's not awful. And Luke is fun to go to the field with. He makes me laugh. And he is really good at praising! I love that about him. You don't realize how much a "good job" or "nice spacing" means until you hear it. I like that about Luke. He frequently tells me that I'm doing a good job, walking a great level line, putting in a nice hub - all simple stuff. But Luke knows that I don't do all of this regularly, and he knows something that everyone should know - treat others the way you would want to be treated. Luke knows that I'd hate going out in the field with him if he yelled at me or crabbed at me. But when he praises me, it makes me feel good and then I feel good about doing a good job, and want to do a good job for him. Simple really - but so many folks never figure it out.

I LOVE this weather! The sky is bright with some puffy white clouds here and there. The sun is shining and it's nice and cool - definitely good sweatshirt weather. I love the weather not only for it's beauty and the fact that it's no longer 90 degrees (PTL!!!!) but that allergy season could almost be over. I think one more hard freeze and we're done! YEAH!!! Plus with the cooling down, it reminds me that our wedding will be here in 7 short weeks. Yeah!

Last night was our first BYF Staff meal of the year. We also served the senior high students and staff so we had a good crowd. And we made it simple by ordering party subs from Subway. So I got everything set up to serve and Chris came after work and helped me get the rest of the stuff ready. One of the senior high staffer couples has twins who are almost 6 months (tomorrow!) and we watch them every BYF night in the nursery. So since my nursery cohort was gone, we had them bring the babies down to the fellowship hall where we were serving. Pretty soon, Trevor and Jennika decided they'd had enough of sitting in their seats. So there were Chris and I, each balancing a baby on our hips and trying to serve food and eat at the same time. It was pretty funny. But it was so awesome to watch Chris with the babies. I am so looking forward to starting our own family. Can't wait to see what God has in store for us!

1 comment:

Tamara B said...

yee haw! I love twins and would love my own but what a hand full!