
Weird Facts About Me

Yeah! My first tag - thanks to Lisa over at The Shizzle! Visit Lisa here.

1. One of my favorite foods growing up was ground up meat. My family would take chunk bologna and dill pickles and grind them together in a meat grinder. Throw in some miracle whip and then eat on crackers or a sandwich - YUM! (Chris thinks this is SO gross!)

2. I go through phases with foods - especially sweets. For a month, all I'll want is peanut m&m's. Then I can't stand them again for a good 6 months. Just got done with a Hershey Kiss with Caramel phase. Right now, I'm loving rice krispy treats.

3. I used to have to have it completely pitch black in my room to sleep. Since my house was broken into a year ago (with me in it) I now have several night lights and light from the yard light that have to be on.

4. I don't really twirl my hair so much as twist it and smell it. I think I am obsessed with having nice smelling hair, especially since my husband can smell it. Weird, I know.

5. My pillowcase is an old Raggedy Ann/Raggedy Andy one from when I was little. It stays cool better than any other pillowcase I've ever had. I also have a little blanket my mom made that stays cool. I keep it up near my face - Chris likes to try and steal it since he likes how cool it is too.

OK, I am so tired I'm not going to tag anyone but play if you're up to it - and let me know if you do.

Update on our weekend and the whole Michigan trip tomorrow. Plus pictures of my oh, so incredibly brilliant and adorable nephew!

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