
More about Renae

Stolen from Laura at Nate, Nate Rollerskate.

A little more about me:

I AM: a wife, a sister, a best friend, a believer, a friend, a hoper, a thinker, a feeler.
I SAID: I would help my friend dye her hair on Saturday. I’m not so sure about this now.
I WANT: to hire a housekeeper. That’s how bad my house is.

I WISH: I could stay motivated. I love the way I feel after working out but it seems like such a chore to get there.
I HATE: feeling so vulnerable and, at times, jealous.
I MISS: My dad. My Grandma. My bestest friend Amyla. My Michigan family.
I FEAR: losing Chris. BUT I trust in God that there is a purpose to everything under heaven.

I HEAR: The hum of the air conditioner, the keyboard as I type, the printer starting up, the radio in the distance, music – always – in my heart
I WONDER: If I’ll ever stop missing the man my dad was.

I REGRET: not being closer to my sisters.
I AM NOT: afraid to die. Sometimes I feel like I am so happy that I don’t know how much more I can stand. It’s a good feeling.
I DANCE: to a song that is always in my head.
I SING: not really that great, but always with exuberance.

I AM NOT ALWAYS: very deep. Sometimes I just want to be shallow and self-consumed and then I remember what it’s really all about.
I MADE: a crocheted baby blanket for my nephnew, Marshall.

I WRITE: all the time. I have to finish writing my thesis.
I CONFUSE: a lot of words and sometimes letters. It’s like my brain is too full to properly regurgitate what I need.
I NEED: to clean my house. We still haven’t unpacked from vacation.
I SHOULD: call my mom. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve talked.
I START: lots of crafty stuff, but lose interest sometimes.

I FINISH: My Masters Degree in December! Must finish the thesis this summer!
I BELIEVE: that wishes on stars do sometimes come true and that laughter can cure so many hurts.
I KNOW: no matter what I look like or what I’m wearing, my husband thinks I am incredibly beautiful. And I am finally believing it when he says it.
I CAN: remember the most obscure facts, figures and names. My friend calls is radio trivia.

I CAN'T: Bear to see my husband tear up. And, like Laura, I can’t do a cartwheel either. Never could.
I SEE: dead bugs in the lights on the ceiling. They cast shadows on my desk. Gross.
I BLOG: to keep friends and family amused and apprised of what’s up in our lives, to get things off my chest.
I READ: almost anything. Lately it’s been all comp books but I just started a book by Angela Hunt called The Novelist. I’m also reading Dr. Laura’s The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands - she has great insight.

I AM AROUSED BY: my darling husband using big words in an effort to make me laugh.
IT PISSES ME OFF: that some people treat marriage as such a convenience and find the lamest excuse to walk away.
I FIND: the older I get, the more content and happy I am.
I LIKE: the smell of coffee, fresh garden tomatoes, band concerts around the square, farmer’s markets, the smell of rain, long hugs, the sunset from my house on the hill, the sound of Chris singing to himself, cheese, the softness of a baby’s skin.
I LOVE: my husband.

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