
Just a note...

Here's what I know:
*We are back home.
*We are tired.
*Tonight we have VBS (Vacation Bible School). And every night the rest of this week.
*I am helping in the nursery. Cuddling babies is about the extent of what I can do right now.
*It was a very long week in Michigan. I will write more about it later. For now, I am glad to be home and so very, very thankful for my amazing husband who drove 8 of the 10 hours home.
*The house is officially on the market.
*I miss our family and friends - especially Mom & Dad Nicholson, Mike & Carrie and Marshall, and Bill & Amy and Liam.
*My allergies are MUCH worse in Iowa than in Michigan.
*Will post pictures too.
*Gotta head to VBS.

Thanks for all the prayers! Every single one was felt and so appreciated!

1 comment:

Fantastagirl said...

Welcome back! Have fun at VBS!