
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my little sister, Reann! She turns 21 today!

Chris and I had a nice, quiet weekend. We stayed in Friday night, ate leftovers and relaxed. I studied most of the evening while Chris played computer games and cleaned up around the house. I spent most of Saturday studying. We managed to get in a nice long walk down our country road and then after some more studying, we headed into town for a dinner and a movie. We ate at our favorite place in town, Joe's on the Square, and then went to see Failure to Launch. It was a cute movie. We got done with that and headed home. On Sunday we went to church and Sunday School. Chris cooked fantastic steaks for lunch while I made potatoes to go with dinner, and then veggie pizza and barbequed beef for small group and brownies for the office on Monday. Chris squeezed in a nap but I was a little too hyper. I ended up working on laundry and studying. Small group was great last night! We were missing quite a few people but it was just really good to be there.

Tonight we meet with our CPA to start on our taxes. I am not looking forward to it but at the same time I'm looking forward to them being done and knowing if we owe or will get anything back. Then it's back home again for a late supper and more studying.

I finally feel like I'm getting more of a handle on the Donne poems. They have been giving me fits but after some thorough reading and some new essays I found, I am feeling much better about at least the poems. Angels in America is also coming along fairly well. I am almost done with the movie and already feel like I have a good handle on it. I found the film version of Middlemarch and am hoping that will help in my understanding of that text. I am definitely feeling more at peace about taking comps. I was getting myself pretty worked up on Saturday night but did some serious praying Saturday night and Sunday and I am feeling so much better. I also asked the women in our small group to be praying over the next 2 weeks and I can already feel their prayers! It's hard to believe but 2 weeks from right now I will be done with the written comps! YEAH!!!!

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