
Prayer Request

I forgot to mention these in my last post but I have a couple of prayer requests I would so appreciate prayer on.

My friend Tammy's brother and sister-in-law are going through a tough situation right now and I know the whole family would appreciate your prayer.

My friend Mike lost his teenage son on Tuesday. Their family is grieving hard and they still have a visitation and funeral and burial to get through this week. Please pray for comfort and for them to be able to feel the hand of God as they grieve and say goodbye.

Trever, the 11-month old son of our friends, Kathi and Tony, is still fighting RSV in the local hospital. Prayer for good health for him and his twin sister, Jennika (who was in the hospital last Wednesday through Sunday) would be so appreciated - especially by Tony and Kathi. Prayers for strength and rest for Tony and Kathi would also be appreciated - and for patience and understanding for big brother, 3 year old Cameron.

Thanks all!

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