
A little more catch-up

It's already Thursday and my new resolution to blog more is already toast. So let me catch you up on the last week and then I can start fresh.

Last Friday, Chris and I went with several friends to see a Christian comedian in Des Moines. Holy smokes - the guy was hilarious! Go check out his website
www.kendavis.com. If he is coming to your area, get tickets! We didn't stop laughing most of the night. We are hoping to get tickets to take Chris' parents when Ken is in Michigan.

The rest of our weekend was spent with me studying and Chris working on projects. Have I mentioned that my MA comprehensive exams are coming up? To be more specific, at 12:00 noon on March 31st, I will be faxed an exam that I must then take home and write on for 3 days on specific questions about selected poetry of John Donne, George Eliot's Middlemarch, and Tony Kushner's Angels in America. I have until Monday, April 3rd at 5:00 pm to turn it in. Within 2 weeks of the completion of the written exam, I will have to be in Cedar Falls on the UNI campus to complete my oral exam. Am I looking forward to any of this? Well, only in the sense that I cannot wait for it to be done. All I do is read and study, search for critical theory, read, study, read study. Thank God for my amazing husband! Chris has been doing the majority of the housework as I study my little brain out. He also makes me go to bed and makes me take breaks so I don't go insane. Last night he even brought me in strawberries and cool whip! YUM!
This week has been about studying and more studying. Last night we handled nursery for BYF and had fun - and we only had one little one to take care of. In fact, at one point, there were 6 adults with one baby! Talk about a great child:adult ratio! I think I mentioned last week that Chris and I would be babysitting our friend's 11 month old twins, Jennika and Trever, last Tuesday night. Kathi, the mom, had jokingly told someone that she couldn't leave her kids anymore because one always ended up in the hospital afterwards - in January, she and hubby Tony had a night or two away and Jennika ended up in the hospital. Then at the end of January, she and Tony (and 3 yr old Cameron) accompanied the band kids to Disney World. When they got back Trever ended up in the hospital. So last Tuesday night, Chris and I babysat the twins while Tony, Kathi and Cameron went to see the Harlan girls play in their substate game. Jennika wasn't doing so hot and had had a cold for several weeks. They got home that night and we told Kathi how awful Jennika sounded. Well the next day they popped Jennika in the hospital. On Sunday, Trever got admitted and Jennika got out. Trever is doing better but still in the hospital as of this morning. Jennika is out and is a happy little stinker. She had a blast all on her own last night. And of course, she didn't get spoiled or anything. :o)

Speaking of babies, I have yet to post a picture of my super cute new little nephew! Ryan was born in December and he is the funniest little guy. He is already quite the womanizer. He has a Minnie Mouse doll that he won't let go of. And my sister and bro-in-law put up pics of Mickey and Minnie over his changing table and Ryan just coos and talks to Minnie all the time. What a guy! Here he is with his woman!

And another of him with his bright eyes!

And his pouting face - this is hilarious!

And another Minnie one:

The Minnie ones crack me up! It is so funny - Ryan looks SO much like his dad but also SO much like my sister. He is definitely their kid!

1 comment:

Fantastagirl said...

Ryan is adorable...love how he is smooching on minnie!

Will send good thoughts everyone's way...Pan had RSV when he was six months old. we spent a couple days in the hospital and then did breathing treatments at home for a while. and it seemed that every time he got a cold after that - we had to go in and get predisone and be back on breathing treatments... Hope they don't have to go through that.